Bergische Universität Wuppertal - Fachgebiet "Bevölkerungsschutz, Katastrophenhilfe und Objektsicherheit"

The “BuK” Institute for Public Safety and Emergency Management at the University of Wuppertal engages particularly in the management of risks, crises and disasters (emergency, major loss, catastrophe) incorporating all relevant stages ranging from prevention schemes to the point of reconstruction and rehabilitation. In this regard, natural (floodwaters, windstorm, earthquake, etc.) and man-made (industrial accidents, terrorism, organized crime, etc.) hazards are taken into consideration. Thus, particular attention is directed to the interface between technology, society and security.

The institute identifies and describes the organisational and legal shortcomings that make high-quality services difficult. The other focus is the public perception as well as the self-perception of safety stewards, and their influence on the subjective sense of security. What impairs the sense of security and which concrete measures can be taken to enhance it?

Contact for the project ProVOD at the BUW

Dr. rer. soc. Patricia M. Schütte-Bestek
Malte Schönefeld, M.A

Room W.10.103
Building W
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal

Mail: schuette[at]
Mail: schoenefeld[at]
Telephone Schütte-Bestek: +49 (0) 202 439 5604
Telephone Schönefeld:
+49 (0) 202 439 5605
