The interdisciplinary company IBIT GmbH based in Bonn is engaged in key issues in planning of safe and secure events where large numbers of people are assembled. Activities under this matter of question shall be in accordance with the mentioned three fields of activity: education, research and consulting. This is carried out both for events, trains stations, air ports or in public spaces. The main goal is to improve the knowledge of involved people but also to standardize knowledge. In order to do so the IBIT works in partnership with operators, service providers, representatives of authority or infrastructure operators.

The expertise of IBIT evolved from its own research projects into several main focus topics (e.g. “Restraints and people steering system”, “Weather influences on major events”, “Effective communication at major events”, “Do people behave better in clean environments?”) but also in the research project BaSiGo ““Safety and Security Modules for Large Public Events” funded by the BMBF and in the research project ORPHEUS – Optimizing of smoke dissipation and person guidance in subway stations which is also funded by the BMBF.

The representatives of the inter-organizational expert team of the IBIT were active in several research groups: “safety at major events” supported by the ministry for inner and local (MIK) of the land Nord-Rhine Westphalia. They also worked nationally and internationally in different committees which focusses on the establishment of security culture in the context of huge crowds (YOUROPE Event Safety Group, International Safety Training Association, Crowd Management Practitioners Association).

In the context of the project ProVOD – Professionalization of security services the IBIT deals with quantitative and qualitative definitions of the autonomous part , necessary training requirements and as well with international networking.

Contact for the project ProVOD at the IBIT GmbH

[Translate to Englisch:] Sabine Funk
Geschäftsführerin IBIT GmbH

Auguststraße 18
53229 Bonn

Mail: sabine.funk[at]ibit.eu
Telefon: +49 228 4299 2690
Website: www.ibit.eu